Saturday Scott and I went to Wages for some peas and butterbeans. Unfortunately, I never gave much attention to my grandmother putting up veggies. I loved shelling the peas, but after that I was done. Thank goodness Scott did not mind doing this job.

I practiced trying to take pics of Ivy.

She was done by this picture. he he he

Ivy and I ventured off to Destin for a girl's retreat. We had a great time.

We met my cousin, Sharon and her daughter, Olivia along with my Aunt Pat for dinner at Carraba's.

She was done by this picture. he he he

Ivy and I ventured off to Destin for a girl's retreat. We had a great time.
This is just me and Ivy playing around with the camera.

Ivy made a friend.

Off to Build A Bear.

Giving the bear a bath.

Obtaining the birth certificate.
Ivy's new buddy, Cinderella.
Me and Ivy being silly at Johnny Rockets.

Ivy's new buddy, Cinderella.

Me and Ivy being silly at Johnny Rockets.

We then headed to the splash pad. There was a hotdog stand with a large rotating hotdog. Ivy was fascinated with the thing. Here's her watching it.

Still watching it.

Now playing in the water.

on the playground.

So when we got back, I got Ivy dressed up and we drove over to Grayton to attempt to take pictures. Well, as you can see we only got two. Ivy proceeded to have one of those "Rogers'" fits as I would say, and ofcourse Scott would object and call it a "Koutsodontis' " fit.... either way, she layed down in the sand and pitched a good one. So we had to call it quits and headed back to the hotel for more "pool time". The trip was fun and I can't wait to go back next weekend. As far as sorry for posting a beach pic............I'm not! We love this place and if that's all we do this summer, so be it. We're having a Good Time doing it!