Monday, August 15, 2011

Successful first week of Kindergarten

Ivy did it!! She successfully made it through her first week of Kindergarten. I was pretty worried as who she'd get as a teacher. Since Ivy is such a unique character I prayed hard for a teacher who would accept her as she is and encourage her abilities. My prayers were answered when we found out Ivy would have Sherry Pouncey. Ivy started off Sunday saying she didn't want to go as she wanted to stay home and watch netflix all day. But on day two, she said Mom, you were right i'm going to LOVE kindergarten.
Ivy and Madison at Corner Market before their big day.

Scott walking in Ivy.
Ivy and Madison with Mrs. Pouncey.
Ivy with Mrs. Pouncey.
Madison rode to school with us so they could walk in together.

Day 3 we rode by ourself and thank goodness a teacher I work with was in line ahead of us and Sara Beth waited on Ivy to walk her in. Such a sweet girl.

This is a pic of Ivy's class. They are some precious looking kiddos. Ivy's already making new friends. I hope this week will be a reflection of what the entire year holds for my baby. I'm sooo proud of her!

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