Monday, February 16, 2009

Simple evening for Valentine's Day

Well, this time for the first time decided not to swap gifts. We did get Ivy Daisy Duck which now completes her Mickey Mouse collection. My Aunt Pat (who is a teacher) offered to watch Ivy. My cousin's little girl, Olivia, was there as well. We dropped Ivy off in Baker and then traveled down to Fort Walton. We stopped by Circuit City in hopes of finding a cheaper Nikon D90, but sadly all DSLR cameras were gone. I did leave with an XM radio so now I can listen to Grateful Dead and Talk radio anytime of the day... yay! We then went to the mall. It was time for me to make a trip to Victoria's Secret, which was much needed. After having Ivy, I've been trying to do the cheap route and buy inexpensive bras. Well, if you're a mom and understand how much the body changes after having a child, you'll definitely understand what having a good bra means... yes, they are back in place where they are supposed to be.. he he.. :) I've been so happy today wearing my new bra. I feel like a new woman. Then across crab flats to Destin. I went to Children's Place and Polo and found some great deals for Ivy spring and summer clothes. I got a few things as well. My hubby is not into clothes at all, but loves a great cigar. We stopped at the Cigar store and Scott filled up his humidor. I was laughing, he needed an extra hand. He was like a kid in the candy store.. To end the night we were planning on going to Bonefish Grill.... 2 1/2 hour wait. I was hungry at this point! So we ate at Lucky Snapper which is a place we like anyways. We picked up Ivy and Aunt Pat had Olivia and Ivy make us Valentines. They are precious. While Ivy was there she learned a new internet site (bellasara). It's a horse site kind of like webkins. Now Ivy has created Princess Amber and we have to take care of her along with her webkin, Horsey. Yes, Horsey is what she named her horse... It was a good night out for us. I wish the weather was nicer. We enjoyed spending an evening together w/out interruptions.. Being at the beach just makes me sooo ready for the summer. I plan to go atleast every 2 weeks so if there is any moms who want to ride down for the day, i'm all about beach trips. I hope you all had a nice Valentines as well.

1 comment:

Lynn Castleberry said...

I totally agree about the Victoria' Secret bras. Never thought I would spend that much on one but if you have the extra money, they are definitely worth it. Glad you had a good time. This one was very memorable!