Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More pieces of Art

Ivy has really impressed me with her art class this year. I sometimes find myself wondering what talent she may lead into as she grows up. After many discussions with her preschool teacher, sunday school teacher, and art teacher we have really come to a conclusion that she is going to be an artsy type which is A OK with me! We really believe Ivy may be a singer as well. I am searching for a voice lessons and piano teacher if anyone has any names to offer. I hope you enjoy these two peices as I'm soo proud of her!!


Lori said...

Those are really cute!! She looks like she does have some talent - it's great that you are helping her grow in that!

How young do they start with the art classes?

Carrie said...

How fabulous! You should be proud! She has grown so much! I know Dawn Jacobs teaches piano, just FYI...

Leesa said...

I love all of Ivy's art pictures. They are great!