Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Well, the day is finally here....... Ivy and I went to vote this morning before daycare and work. As the day went by, I kept hearing my students making comments on who they wanted for president. As I listened, I became really angry. These kids are images of their parents and are only pushing for what they hear at home. I teach a special education career skills class and today my lessons were thrown out the door because I felt it more important to talk about the candidates for president. I did a mock election in my class. Kids were saying they were voting for Obama because he was going to give them money. After our election (McCain did win in my class), we read about the issues our country is facing right now. I had my kids go online and research what their candidate supported and did not support. It was amazing to watch my kids realize who they were wanting for president may not be who would be the best for the job... It really scares me that he may be our next president because of people voting only because they think he's going to give them more money or because of his race. If I did anything today, I hope it was to help these students make their own decisions based on research and not from what they hear at home. Go McCain / Palin!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shonna said...

Oh Tina...thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so glad that there is someone out there to take the time to teach these kids that there is a lot more to an election than who gives the most "hand-outs"!!! What has happened to the morals in this country??? We need a President that have convictions about where they stand on MORAL issues!

The Clarks said...

Just came across your blog. Your little girl is precious!

Heather said...

Hey Tina!!! Hope everything is going well. Seen your blog on Lori's I think. Ivy is a beautiful little girl.