Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sorry Lynn, I had to steal these pics, they are too cute!


Lori said...

I like the bottom one on yours as much as on Lynn's blog! The top one is really cute too. Some really precious girls. You guys need to frame those in the girls' bedrooms!

Lynn Castleberry said...

Hey, I stole the look-alike from you. You're right, they are TOO CUTE!!

Carrie said...

Those pics. ARE cute! And I DO think Ivy is an equal combination of you both! As for being materialistic, I think we all are to some degree. If we would all be content with what we have, and like you said, focus on what matters, I feel like life would be better-well, I'll say we would enjoy life more. Just another thing to work on this year...Hope all is well.

Julie said...

Precious little girls!! I think that they could pass as sisters--they favor to me. ;)