Friday, December 19, 2008
Just a note.......
Ok, this week I responded to an email which I know several of my blogger friends were attached to. Obviously, I can not express myself in an understanding way with out ticking people off.... So, as I was viewing friends blogs tonight, I came across Karen Napp's blog. She is a friend of the Foreman Family if you're interested in checking it out. I vaguely remember Karen from elementary school, but wanted to see what's she's up to. Well, Ms. Napp has expressed exactly what I was trying to say in my email through her blog this week. So, if you were a part of this email chain.... please take time to check it out. So, can I please say Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to my friends... that is w/ out someone thinking I'm the devil. Just kidding on the devil part, but I hope each of you have a wonderful next couple of weeks with your family. They are precious... hug them and tell them you love them and don't lose sight of why we have Christmas, Hanukuh, Kawanzaa, etc!!:) As for our family, I've decided first thing Christmas morning I want the first words out of my mouth to be "Ivy, today is Jesus' birthday"! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Spending the weekend with Daddy!
This weekend some friends and I ventured off to the beach for a wonderful girls' weekend out. We literally shopped till we dropped. While we were gone, Ivy and Scott spent the weekend together. Ivy is a HUGE horse fan. Scott took her up to his uncle's and she was able to feed the horses. Scott sent me this video over the phone. I laugh every time I watch it. Ivy's laugh is so funny. I just thought I'd share.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Santa's Visit
This evening Ivy received a very special visitor. I'm sure people think my child is Autistic or something (or that may be that I'm a Special Education teacher and I find any characteristic and take it to the extreme)...., but Ivy is extremely shy. When Santa stopped by she would would not speak to him. She would only communicate with head shakes for yes and no... She did tell him thankyou as he left. After that door shut, she had this little smile that was just bursting to come out. She was soooo excited that Santa had come to see her and bring her a Donald Duck.

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Preparing for 'Evening with Santa' by Andalusia Coterie Club
Tomorrow night Santa will be making a visit to the house. So today, I've done nothing but prepare for his visit. When Ivy goes to sleep, I'll get her gift wrapped. She wanted Santa to bring her Donald Duck and I was running around crazy trying to find her one. I could only find a little figurine, so I threw in a Mickey Mouse DVD, Coloring Book and book. Guess it will give me a couple of more weeks to find a big one. I did see one in Young's in Opp..... which I recommend everyone to go to for Christmas tree decorations. They have an awesome selection!!!
Ivy Cate's B'day
Two Ivys, How can that be? Well, our friends Michael Paul and Allison Youngblood have Ivy Cate and we have Ivy Rose. These two have been buddies since probably 2 months. They were both at Dimples until I made the BEST move and put Ivy at Guardian Angel. I do miss all her little buddies. Anyways, here are a couple of pics from Ivy Cate's birthday party. Ivy and Ivy are one week a part in birth. I have a feeling that as they get over it will be Ivy from Pleasant Home and Ivy from Andalusia. I hope they still get along then.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Gatlinburg Vacation
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Well, the day is finally here....... Ivy and I went to vote this morning before daycare and work. As the day went by, I kept hearing my students making comments on who they wanted for president. As I listened, I became really angry. These kids are images of their parents and are only pushing for what they hear at home. I teach a special education career skills class and today my lessons were thrown out the door because I felt it more important to talk about the candidates for president. I did a mock election in my class. Kids were saying they were voting for Obama because he was going to give them money. After our election (McCain did win in my class), we read about the issues our country is facing right now. I had my kids go online and research what their candidate supported and did not support. It was amazing to watch my kids realize who they were wanting for president may not be who would be the best for the job... It really scares me that he may be our next president because of people voting only because they think he's going to give them more money or because of his race. If I did anything today, I hope it was to help these students make their own decisions based on research and not from what they hear at home. Go McCain / Palin!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
My friends Lynn and Lisa had gone to pumpkin patch the weekend before where they saw corn in the sand box. It was the greatest idea... NO MESS! We may have a corn field in my back yard, but we did have a clean child!!
Ivy and I jumping on the trampoline. This is the best work out. I might add it to my weekly workout schedule!!

Ivy got a trampoline for her birthday! She loves it, but the morning of her party, I think Scott was ready to chunk it as he was trying to put it together. It does help to read the directions........ but I did not tell him that.

This is Ivy and her friend, Madison, blowing out the candles.

I swore I'd never have a character party...................but, what do I say when my little girl loves the Care Bears.
Ivy posing for the picture is extremely rare, but she did for this one and I just think it's the cutest smile!!! This is on Halloween night before Ivy's birthday party. Ivy turned 3 on 10/29/2008. I'm loving her growing older because she's so much fun at this age. I do miss her as a baby, but the times we spend together at this age are sooo fun.
Ivy got a trampoline for her birthday! She loves it, but the morning of her party, I think Scott was ready to chunk it as he was trying to put it together. It does help to read the directions........ but I did not tell him that.
This is Ivy and her friend, Madison, blowing out the candles.
I swore I'd never have a character party...................but, what do I say when my little girl loves the Care Bears.
Friday, October 31, 2008
We did make it to the fair. Ivy absolutely loved it, now she's wanting to go to Disney World. One morning this week we were leaving for Guardian Angel and I told her she had to go to school. Ivy, the most serious minded child I know, looked at me and said, I not go to school, I go to Disney World. She wants to go ride on Dumbo... Hopefully, we'll make a trip this spring, but the fair was a test to see what she would ride and ofcourse, she was scared of nothing!!!

Thanks to my wonderful friend, Christi Watts, I have jumped aboard the blogger's boat. I feel a little liberal.... blogging and all, but I do enjoy reading my other friend's blogs and seeing their most precious captured moments of their sweet little darlings. This is a picture of Ivy Rose and myself before leaving for church. I do not have any recent family photos, but as soon as I locate one, I will definitely post it.

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